CAx Addon (CAx)

General Description

The primary objective of this tool is to facilitate the integration of the AI-assisted optimization modules developed in AIMDO and AIMDG with standard CAD/CAM/CAE systems, thus enabling their effective implementation. This entails the creation of APIs and user interfaces (UIs) that allow seamless integration of the AI-assisted optimization modules with CAx systems such as SolidWorks, ensuring their readiness for operational environments. The APIs and UIs will not only incorporate the specific functionalities of the optimization modules but also account for the requirements of other standard CAx solutions, such as SolidWorks. Additionally, comprehensive testing and performance optimization will be conducted as part of this task.

Usage Viewpoint

Use Model



  • Environment configuration: AI-CAx user (operator) configures the parameters for the AI-CAx module. These parameters are mainly the parameters of the AIDEAS solution that AI-CAx is integrating (e.g., AI-MDG).

  • Deployment: The operator uses AI-CAx addon to initiate Machine-2-Machine (M2M) communication between the AI-CAx module, the AIDEAS solution that the AI-CAx addon is integrating (e.g., AI-MDG), and/or the external solutions (e.g., external simulation tools).

CAx module does not include a mock-up as it implements M2M communication between an existing CAx software and AIDEAS-developed solution (e.g., AI-MDG). It relies on AIDEAS developed solution and CAx software for the interaction as such doesn’t provide a dedicated user interface.

Usage activity diagram

The following image depicts the interaction between the different tasks and roles within the selected pilot. This diagram illustrates the dynamic flow of interactions, offering a representation of the activities executed by the solution providing a clear understanding of the activities executed using the AICAx solution.


Functional Viewpoint

Functional diagram

AI-CAx_FCD.drawio (1).png

Functional description

  • What: CAx component provides Machine-2-Machine (M2C) communication between the AI-MDG component and the external tools (e.g., external simulation tools).

  • Who: Machine designers. Process optimization engineers. CAx developers

  • Where: Design phase.

  • Why: Provides M2C communication (e.g., via API calls) between existing CAx tool (CAx addon), AIDEAS developed components (e.g., AI-MDG) and external tools.

Input and output data for each component

Run Simulation

  • Inputs:

    • CAx component orders simulation to the external simulation tools (e.g., via API calls) based on the input preliminary extrusion model and specifications.

  • Outputs:

    • API call to the external simulation tool, which provides input to the AI-MDG tool, which result can be again provided (for import) to AI-CAx component.

Import Model

  • Inputs:

    • AI-MDG provides as an input to CAx component a redesigned extrusion head model.

  • Outputs:

    • CAx component imports the redesigned model to the CAx software (addon) and provides CAx module usage statistics to AI-MP.

Software requirements

Software Component


Required Version/Configuration


Windows OS

Microsoft operating system its need to use specific tool

Windows 10

Autodesk Fusion



The AICAx component provides Machine-2-Machine (M2M) communication between the AIMDG component and the external tools (e.g., external simulation tools). The current implementation is a AutoDesk Fusion plugin that integrates with pilots AIMDG backend and is aimed to automate the process of product design optimization. The deployment is done through the AutoDesk Fusion itself.


  1. User: represents the user interacting with the AICAx add-on.

  2. CAx: add-on represents the add-on for CAD/CAE/CAM software.

  3. MDO: represents Machine Design Optimizer solution.

Implementation Viewpoint

Description of implementation Component:

AI-CAx provides support for the integrations of AIDEAS AI-based solutions to existing CAx solutions.

Technical Description of its Components:

  • Dependencies:

    • Development Language: Depends on the chosen CAx solution and addon development requirements imposed by the CAx solution.

    • Libraries: Chosen CAx SDK (if available).

    • Container: Depends on the chosen CAx tool requirements.

    • Database need: No data management is envisioned for AI-CAx.

  • Interfaces:

    • User Interface: No specific development of user interfaces is planned. The CAx module will be used for Machine-2-Machine (M2C) communication. The user interfaces of the selected CAx and AIDEAS solutions using AI-CAx will be used to demonstrate the usage of AI-CAx. To be specified in later phases of AI-CAx development.

    • Synchronous/Asynchronous Interface: Depends on the chosen CAx and AIDEAS solution to be using AI-CAx module. To be specified in later phases of AI-CAx development.

    • Network/Protocols: To be specified in later phases of AI-CAx development.

    • Data Repository: No data management is envisioned for AI-CAx.

  • Requires:

    • Other AIDEAS Solutions: none

Solution architecture


AI-CAx component provides Machine-2-Machine (M2C) communication between the AI-MDG (only AIDEAS solution that exposed the need for AI-CAx) component and the external tools (e.g., external simulation tools). The implementation of the CAx addon will largely depend on the i) chosen CAx software (e.g., SolidWorks) and the requirements imposed by CAx addon development capabilities and limitations of the chosen CAx, ii) AI-MDG solution limitations to be using AI-CAx module. CAx software will be again selected by the requirements of the AI-MDG, while we will need to ensure that the chosen CAx software supports addon development and its freely available for development purposes or a license provided by either pilots or AI-MDG solution developers.