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AI Driven Industrial Equipment Product Life Cycle Boosting Agility, Sustainability and Resilience.

AIDEAS will develop AI technologies for supporting the entire lifecycle (design, manufacturing, use, and repair/reuse/recycle) of industrial equipment as a strategic instrument to improve the sustainability, agility and resilience of European machinery manufacturing companies. Aditionaly, the AIDEAS Solutions will be demonstrated in 4 Pilots of machinery manufacturers that provide industrial equipment to different industrial sectors: metal, stone, plastic and food. AIDEAS will deploy 4 integrated Suites:

AIDEAS Industrial Equipment Design Suite

AI technologies, integrated with CAD/CAM/CAE systems, for optimising the design of industrial equipment structural components, mechanisms and control components.

AIDEAS Solutions



Machine Design Optimiser


Toolkit to assist designers to optimally define the key design parameters in multiphysical systems, enhancing machine performance as required for each scenario, through AI.

Machine Synthetic Data Generator


Toolkit for synthesising large high-quality datasets by simulations for the analysis of the machine design and for the training of the optimisation algorithms that will propose optimal design parameters.

CAx Addon


Set of APIs and UIs supporting the integration of AI-assisted optimisation modules into CAx systems.

AIDEAS Industrial Equipment Manufacturing Suite

AI technologies for industrial equipment purchased components selection and procurement, manufactured parts processes optimisation, operations sequencing, quality control and customisation.

AIDEAS Solutions



Procurement Optimiser


Toolkit for optimising the inventory and purchase of materials and components that are required to build a machine, and meet customer delivery dates using AI.

Fabrication Optimiser


Toolkit for optimising production scheduling and resource allocation by predicting production and set-up times, operations dependencies, etc. allowing a near real time response to environment changes like machine breakdowns, last minute customer orders and raw materials delays, through AI.

Delivery Optimiser


AI-based toolkit that is capable of optimising the storage and delivery of products. This optimisation will target storage space, storage conditions and product transportation. Additionally, this optimiser will provide optimisation for logistics scheduling and planning.

AIDEAS Industrial Equipment Use Suite

AI technologies with added value for the industrial equipment user, providing enhanced support for installation and initial calibration, production, quality assurance and predictive maintenance for working on optimal conditions.

AIDEAS Solutions



Machine Calibrator


Toolkit for the fast calibration of industrial equipment when installed for the first time in a factory or when a re-calibration is needed. It uses AI techniques for providing the most well- suited calibration parameters.

Condition Evaluator


Toolkit for determining the condition of the machine as a whole or of some of its components when it is in working conditions in the factory where it is being used.

Anomaly Detector


Toolkit that will allow detecting anomalies at component-level or of the machine as a whole when it is in working conditions in the factory where it is being used.

Adaptive Maintenance


Toolkit to train models with measurement data and then train machine controllers with said models to accommodate the machine condition and requirements.

Quality Assurance


Toolkit comprising a set of AI-enabled features for manufactured product quality monitoring.

AIDEAS Industrial Equipment Repair-Reuse-Recycle

AI technologies for extending the useful life of machines through prescriptive maintenance (repair), facilitating a second life for machines through a smart retrofitting (reuse) and identification of the most sustainable end-of-life (recycle).

AIDEAS Solutions



Prescriptive Maintenance


Toolkit for predicting remaining useful life and identifying maintenance requirements with the target of extending the overall machine remaining life.

Samart Retrofitter


Toolkit for smart retrofitting old machine tools to give them a second life by improving working conditions and product quality, developing a communication system and collaboration, enhancing productivity, efficiency, flexibility, and agility.



Toolkit that combines AI and Life Cycle methodologies (LCC, LCA, S-LCA) for identifying the best machine end-of-life by devising a multi-objective optimisation strategy to strike a balance between economic, social and environmental benefits.



AI-based toolkit for modelling the disassembly/recycling processes to help streamline the infrastructure needed to circulate materials focusing on the ability of AI algorithms to recognise and identify objects using cameras and other sensors.
